Tuesday, September 22, 2009

H1N1 Family Considerations

Us old guys just got back from a great time at Lake Powell. It was fun to spend time with Mom & Dad Gunn. When we got home I had a chance to speak to Savanna who had just finished a government mandated H1N1 training session for Jordan Valley Hospital. She had some important information that I think is pertinent for all of us to consider this winter.

First, I must put this information in context. Savanna has over the months expressed a personal feeling that the H1N1 information being diseminated through the media was a bunch of baloney. She has changed her attitude completely after the training.

So here again are some things we should/must consider as we interact as a family.

1. H1N1 virus is different than the normal flu. The government is expecting an outbreak similar to the Spanish Flu decades ago that was devastating world-wide. This virus can be a killer, particularly to those groups considered to be at risk. We must be more careful in exposing each other to this virus. Even when it is inconvenient.

2. Mom & Dad Gunn are in one of the high risk groups. People over the age of 65 with kidney disease, diabetes and respiratory issues are at very high risk. Please do not expose them through personal contact if you or your kids have ANY of the following symptoms. Fever (101 or higher), cough, aching muscles, or any other flu like symptoms. If in doubt, don't expose. We will all need to be very mindful of this, even if you aren't getting sick from the exposure and even if Mom & Dad poo-poo the risk.

3. The H1N1 vaccine is limited and will be given to the highest risk categories first. Anyone that is pregnant and in the third trimester is at great risk. Children under the age of 5 are at high risk too. I know all young people are immortal but it is better to be safe than sorry.

4. Savanna is not trying to panic or scare people but she says that the government is expecting the worse starting next month. As an example, she knows of some hospitals that will be triaging emergency room visits through a drive-up window. Those having ANY flu like symptoms will be quarantined in a separate facility to avoid exposure to the general public/hospital goers. This isn't the only information that has caused her concern but the gist of the message is to that we need to take this potential epidemic seriously.

Now, you all know I'm not a doctor and I certainly don't want anyone to go out and act singly on the information I have given. Maybe the impetus for all this is to start a discussion that will have us all consider how we interact in the coming months, particularly with Mom & Dad Gunn, so as to not expose each other to this potentially deadly virus. As a bishop it seemed to me that most Mormons thought that the ends justified the means when exposing each other to sickness. Certainly no one can get sick if they are simply going to Church and doing the right thing...can they?!

Let's don't use this mentality with those we love. The risk is just might be too great.

Thanks for the forum.


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